5 Best Websites to Sell Your Old Gadgets

Nothing Last forever especially electronics. Gadgets are playing an important role in everyone’s life but with technology getting better and more advanced, gadget are too are getting updated with new features. We desire for the most updated gadgets to make our life easier.

How To Add Google Plus Followers Gadget To Blogger!

One of the best perks of using Google is, it has products that seamlessly integrate with each other to provide an easy and comprehensive interface to users. For example, Google Drive can be used to attach files with emails quickly. You can +1 posts outside Google+, and share search results on Google Plus. You can even auto-publish your Blogger blog feed to your G+ profile. And that is by no means the end of it. In fact, Google just announced a brand new feature, the Google Plus Followers gadget for blogger blogs! This new Google Plus followers' gadget for blogspot blogs will provide another layer of integration between your Google Plus profile and your Blogger/Blogspot blog.

Featured 3

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 4

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 5

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Friday 7 December 2012

Avast for Android Updated with Low-Battery Notification in Anti-Theft Component

Avast has just updated its Android security application with new features and bug fixes. Several UI tweaks have been included as well, along with Turkish language pack.

Avast Mobile Security application for Android devices features simplified Anti-Theft installation and comes with support for Boat Browser and Boat Browser Mini apps in Web Shield.

The latest version also offers a new “low-battery notification” feature in Anti-Theft component, as well as lots of tweaks and bug fixes that have yet to be detailed.

Keep in mind that the Network Meter now has a “Billing day” option and the user interface has suffered some minor changes. Developers have also fixed several issues in Firewall and Call/SMS filter.

avast! Mobile Security 2.0.3377 is now available as a free download via Google Play store and it should be fully compatible with all devices running Android 2.1 and up.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

How I Create Customized Email Addresses

If you want your business to look more genuine when customers or clients contact you via email, you should consider creating a custom email address ID for your business. A customized email account like info@yoursite.com looks a bit more professional than yourname@yahoo.com. I use custom email addresses for my online businesses and have decided to share with you, how to set up such email IDs for your own business.

How To Get Started

You will need a web hosting account for you to be able to create a customized email address, though you do not need to design a website before you can use your customized email ID. If you have a web hosting account, you will be able to access your cPanel, where you will set up your custom email account.

How Do I Get A Web Hosting Account?

There are load of web hosting companies out there but you can try Web4Africa or HostGator. If you are a Nigerian, you can try Web4Africa because the website allows you to pay for web hosting with Naira and even with Liberty Reserve etc.

All you need to do is to register on the sites and order for one of their hosting plans. Once your account has been activated, you will receive the login details to your cPanel in the email address you used when registering on the Web Hosting Websites.

So, How Do I Create E-mail Accounts From My Hosting Account's Control Panel (cPanel)

==> Log into your cPanel via www.yoursite.com/cpanel

==> Once at the main page, click on the "Email Accounts" icon as seen in the picture below

==> Fill the fields accordingly.

  • Type the name of the account eg info, contact, admin, yourname etc.
  •  Enter the password you want to use and the disk space you would like to assign to the mailbox. You can assign an unlimited disk space for the email account. 

==> Click on the "Create Account" button to create the mailbox.

==> You will be taken to a confirmation page. Click on "Yes" to create the customized mailbox.

That's all.

So, How Do I Check I Check Access and Send Mails With My Customized Email Address?

==> Go to www.yoursite.com/webmail

==> Enter your customized email ID in the "email Address" field and enter your password in the "password" field.

==> Click the "Log in" button.

==> Click any of the email providers: SquirrelMail, Horde, RoundCube

==> You will see your inbox and right from there, you will also see the "compose" tab for sending email messages.

That's all.

Go create your own custom emails and let me know via comments, if you face any problem.

Get Your Web hosting accounts at Web4Africa or HostGator and do not waste your time looking for websites where you can create free customized emails.

Monday 3 December 2012

How to Create Shutdown and Reboot Tiles on Windows 8’s Start Screen

Although Windows 8 was designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, we’ve heard that plenty of users are actually struggling to find a quick way to shut down or reboot their Windows 8 device.

While the Alt + F4 hotkey does the job on desktop computers, not the same thing can be said about tablets running Windows RT or devices without a keyboard.

In this case, most users prefer to simply go over to the Start Screen, sign out of their accounts and then shut down or restart the device using the lockscreen power controls.

There’s a very simple trick, however, that allows users to create some live tiles on the Start Screen with three of the most popular power controls, namely shutdown, log off and reboot. It doesn’t take more than a few seconds to set it up and should work smoothly regardless of the Windows 8 device you’re using right then.

The only thing you have to do is to copy the following code into a new text document and change its extension to VBS, as developers over at xda-developers.com point out, so your file, for example, should be called “Softpedia.vbs.”

Make sure you configure Windows 8 to show file extensions (to do this, launch File History, click on “View” and check the “File names extensions” option displayed in the Ribbon).

So copy this text to a new text document, rename it accordingly and simply double click it run. If you wish to remove the tiles, select them in the Start Screen and hit the “Unpin from Start” option.

Sunday 2 December 2012

the Danger of Using your Mobile Phone While Charging

Many people are guilty of this! I guess you should stop it after reading this and please tell others about it...

A few days ago, a guy was charging his mobile phone at home. Just at that time a call came in and he answered it with the charging Instrument still connected to the outlet.

Shortly electricity flowed into the cell phone unrestrained (maybe there was current fluctuation) and the young man was thrown to the floor with a heavy thud. As you can see, the phone actually exploded.

His parents rushed to the room only to find him unconscious, with a weak heartbeat and burnt fingers. He was rushed to the nearby hospital, but was pronounced dead on arrival.

Cell phones are a very useful modern invention. However, we must be aware that it can also be an instrument of death if not handled with care.

Never use the cell phone while it is hooked to the electrical outlet!

If you are charging the cell phone and a call comes in, unplug it from the charger before answering the call.

Friday 30 November 2012

5 Alternative Chat Apps to Blackberry Messenger

The various IM apps around make BBM look irrelevant. Why? BBM is only limited to blackberry phones and you can’t use it without a BB PIN (Blackberry Prisoner Identification Number) but these alternatives work across all platforms.

1. Skype

alternative to blackberry messenger
Skype is probably the most popular IM application and as a matter of fact, it’s more than just an instant messaging app. With Skype, you can keep in touch with family and friends and it supports video calls on almost all mobile platforms except, of course, the overrated Blackberry. Even Blackberry’s most sophisticated smartphone doesn’t support video calls on skype for now.
Skype to Skype calls are free and you may even buy call credits at a very reduced rate.

2. Whatsapp

whatsapp messenger
I’m not the chit-chat type that spends the whole time chatting with people on social networks but Whatsapp really got me. With over 100 contacts on my phone already using it, it’s probably the best alternative to Blackberry messenger since it consumers very little data and it works across all platforms. Even almost all BBM users have Whatsapp installed on their device to keep in touch with their contacts who do not have that thing they call Blackberry PIN.

3. Viber

viber - blackberry messenger alternative
Although the latest blackberry messenger can make voice calls over Wi-Fi which is quite a big step forward for the company and something very appreciated by all BBM users to say the least, I’ve been doing that with Viber and Skype for a very long time over 3G. Viber is very widely used and also, the free VoIP feature is great.

4. Facebook Messenger

facebook messenger
This doesn’t need an introduction and you definitely can’t deny the fact that Facebook is the largest social network right now and when it comes to instant messaging, Facebook chat has a lot more users than any other IM application. There’s a Facebook messenger for every phone, even feature phones.

5. Live Profile

Compared to others, I use this a lot less but it’s a great instant messaging app with a cool UI.
You got a lot of alternatives and the choice is yours. I have most of these installed on my iPhone and Nokia N97 and I still keep in touch with my loved ones. Not sure I’m gonna get a Blackberry device just because of BBM…

Building Backlinks to Earning Them The Right Way

Building quality backlinks has been said to be one of the major backbones of search engine optimization and this has been proven to be true. Although optimizing your site for search engines does not fully depend on the number of backlinks you have, it depends on other factors such as the quality of those backlinks, how effective your on-page SEO is, domain age among other things.

Most bloggers believe that it all depends on building backlinks and some even go as far as buying low quality links (which I’m guilty of) but over the years, I’ve come to realize that the most effective backlinks are those your earn, not those low quality ones you build.

how to earn backlinks to blog
Does commenting really work?

Well, yeah… to say the least but if you ask me, I’ll tell you I’m not a believer. A great number of those blogs you comment on already told search engines not to follow your links  and your links on those comments probably have no SEO value. I can say that 80% of blogs apply nofollow attribute to comment links and search engines most likely won’t follow those links.
What about buying backlinks?

Been there, done that, got hammered by google and lost my precious PR5. You effing heard me right! This blog was once a PR5 site and for a moment, I enjoyed it. It was a good feeling ranking higher than other blogs in your niche… come on, PR5 ain’t no joke but you know what? I lost it and backslided to 3, lost quite a lot of traffic and each PageRank update still got me sitting at PR3.

That is where buying huge, low quality backlinks can get you. I was lucky to bounce back by stopping all link building activity and focusing just on on-page optimization. Of course, I’m not disputing the fact that there are SEO companies who can help you build your backlinks the right way but an average blogger who isn’t earning yet might not be able to afford such services.
So, what is the right way to build links?

Sometimes, hiring a reputable SEO company may be the easiest way out but then, some of these so called SEO companies will only build low quality links for you using some automated tool or something. Some… not all, so don’t get me wrong.

Also, posting in forums (if they won’t ban you) can be a good place to start with. Another often neglected source of quality backlinks is social bookmarking and feed readers. I won’t be going into those fully right now but rather going to focus on earning backlinks.
How to earn quality backlinks

Now, what works for me as a tech blogger might not work for you if you’re in a different niche, I think we need to get that straight. For quite a while, I’ve been earning lots of natural backlinks and I can boldly say that most of these have great SEO values. However, I still believe you should be able to pick a point or two from my rantings.

1. Write concise, high quality useful posts:
You’ve probably heard this a zillion times before but it can’t be overemphasized. These types of posts often earn you backlinks from other blogs who would deem it fit to just link to you in an article as a reference.

2. Write tutorials that actually solve problems: I know this may not apply to everyone but I’ve gotten loads of backlinks using this strategy. I keep getting referrals from web forums I don’t even know where someone would ask a question and one of my links would be dropped as an answer.

3. Be grammatically fluent, eliminate typos: Not all bloggers are fluent with the use of English but you must command the language with ease if you actually want your posts to earn high quality links. Sharpening your writing skills may be a long journey you have to take before getting there.

4. Write honest reviews and testimonials: There was a day I was tracking my backlinks from Google Webmaster Tools and I saw one from Avast.com. Wondering how I got it? It was a review of their antivirus solution for Android written by a guest author, Edi Ifediri of Editiweaks.com, that got me listed on their website. Also, testimonials such as the one I wrote on my domain registrar’s site got me a backlink. See what I mean?

5. Create useful tools and widgets: I’ve already told you that some of these strategies may not apply to you if you’re not a tech blogger. Creating useful tools and widgets with your web programming knowledge can earn you loads of backlinks. Enough said.

Of course, there’s more than one way to skin a cat, there are more ways to earn those high quality links I did forget to mention or not even using at the moment. Again, if I’m going to be honest with you, you must build backlinks before you start earning them. Your on-page SEO must be tight. Doing these alone won’t get you there, it’s only gonna help along the way.

How To Add Google Plus Followers Gadget To Blogger!

One of the best perks of using Google is, it has products that seamlessly integrate with each other to provide an easy and comprehensive interface to users. For example, Google Drive can be used to attach files with emails quickly. You can +1 posts outside Google+, and share search results on Google Plus. You can even auto-publish your Blogger blog feed to your G+ profile. And that is by no means the end of it. In fact, Google just announced a brand new feature, the Google Plus Followers gadget for blogger blogs! This new Google Plus followers' gadget for blogspot blogs will provide another layer of integration between your Google Plus profile and your Blogger/Blogspot blog.

The Google Plus followers' gadget

Connecting your Google Plus profile with your blog is a great way to enhance your readership by increasing your followers and engaging better with your audience. You can auto-publish your blog posts on your Google Plus stream so as to deliver your content right where your readers want it delivered. Those readers can then recommend your content directly, which can lead to more exposure. This new Google Plus followers widget is another step towards enhancing your readership and boosting your authority.

This widget will tell the world how many people are following you, and will also show them some friendly faces (different for each person). It also has a follow button by default, which lets users follow your Google Plus profile page with a single click. This will help in getting your content across multiple streams, and to reach more readers on a more personal level through your blog.

 Adding this widget to your Blogger blog is really simple. But for it to work, you first have to connect your blogger profile with your Google Plus account. We have detailed the process in a previous post, so make sure you read it first.

    How to automatically share blog updates on Google Plus
Once done, visit the Layout tab on your blogger dashboard, and select "Add a Gadget". You will then be able to see and add this widget easily to your blog.

A note from Google: For those who are using Google Friend Connect followers' widget, they can keep using it, even though Google retired most of Friend Connect services earlier this year. For the time being, it will keep running on Blogger.